Monday, December 31, 2007

Here is a rerun of a column written by Barry Chamish five years ago re: the systematic murder of rabbis. It almost sounds like what is happening now!

Barry Chamish Newsletter Archives
August-September 2002

September 27 - Naming the Yesha Spies
September 10 - Slikhot Rabin
September 5 -   Vatican Roundup
August 22 -   How Bad Are the Peacemakers
August 7 -     British Freemasonry Covets Israel

Back to Barry`s Archive Index

September 27, 2002 - NAMING THE YESHA SPIES

     Poor deluded Israelis believe that the current moment of justice, when
the government actually has freed the army to arrest their murderers, is a
lasting trend. They will soon learn that the Oslo game is just on brief
hold and the real goal of intimidating the Jewish residents of Yesha from
their homes is merely on the backburner.
     Admittedly, the more perceptive see the signs. Two more Yesha rabbis
have been murdered in the past month, Shapiro and Dickstein, upping the
total to about an even dozen in the past four years. And there is no
denying that the murder of Rabbi Eliahu Shapira of Peduel wasn't random
terrorism. He was ambushed by a highly trained hit squad which possessed
exact intelligence about his whereabouts.
     And another Arab girls' school was bombed without deaths and again
Jewish settler "extremists" were blamed. These same "extremists" blamed for
similar school bombs in East Jerusalem and Tzur Bahr don't exist. They are
the creation of a group of Shabak officers, working hand in hand with the
CIA and PLO, to remove Israel and its citizens from Yesha. And guess who
the Israeli behind the plot is? Read on:

CIA begins training Palestinian officers
       By Amira Hass Ha'aretz 17 September 2002

"A training course for Palestinian Authority security officers got underway
yesterday in Jericho. The course is being run by a team of security
experts from the Central Intelligence Agency, Jordan and Egypt, and is taking
place at the Intercontinental Hotel in Jericho.

"'The session will be part of a training program with the goal of
developing  the capabilities of the security services as part of the
reforms launched
by  the Palestinian Authority," head of West Bank preventive security, Zuheir
Manasra, said on Sunday.  The current course will last 20 days, after
which, different groups will be  trained.

"Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat gave his approval to
the  training, despite the fact that, according to Palestinian sources,
Israel  prevented 100 Palestinian officers from taking part.

"According to Israeli sources, this is a very 'preliminary' stage of a U.S.
plan to implement reforms in the Palestinian Authority. The program was
developed by a CIA team that spent several weeks in the region and met
with  senior Palestinian officials. Also involved in the plan were Egypt,
Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

"As part of the reforms within the Palestinian Authority, the foreign
security experts are helping train Palestinian security services, which
both  Israel and the United States accuse of not doing enough to prevent
attacks against Israel.

Officers from the West Bank preventive security service, headed by Zuheir
"Manasra, were present at yesterday's course, in addition to those of
the  Gaza Strip General Intelligence, headed by Amin al-Hindi.
Palestinian  policemen and firemen also took part.

"According to Rashid Abu Shabak, head of preventive security in the Gaza
Strip, the U.S. guaranteed the training program would be carried out as
planned, but did not impose upon Israel to let everyone participate. The
ban on letting officers take part in the course is not a personal one, but
rather aimed at certain organizations, such as the West Bank General
Intelligence, headed by Tawfik Tirawi.

"While the Palestinian Authority position remains that Palestinians should be
able to kill non-civilians for the time being, FM Peres praised the current
training program run by the CIA, Egypt and others security services to
improve the skills of PA security forces."

     There you have it. Shimon Peres and CIA director George Tenet are once
again buttressing the PLO and the victims of the training will be Yesha Jews.
     The plot of the scenario is to once again prove to Israelis and the
world that the Jews of Judea and Samaria are violent, irresponsible
criminals whose biblical and historical claims to their homeland is
forfeited by their murderous behavior. This, the plotters believe, can be
achieved by fabricating violent acts and blaming them on selected
"settlers." That requires agents planted in the Yesha Council and local
councils providing exact intelligence on potential patsies.

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