Sunday, December 23, 2007

Did you see this movie about the expulsion from Gush Katif? I found it on A7. It is a must see. But the investigation is a joke. ... like we don't know who is behind it????






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  1. How concerned are you about the sabotage of Annapolis? Concerned about America's abandoning the Jewish state?

    Learn how Condi Rice's strategy to delay the Iranian threat against Israel is a new "Peace in our time" letter.

    Is the New Year time to call for Pres. Bush to replace Rice as US Secy of State?

    Subscribe free to Democracy Broadcasting News


  2. Go see my comments re: Condi on your blog, Democast. I left two messages.

    Thanks for your input,I hope you find my response there useful. I am very glad that you are bringing up the issue of Condi. The earlier she is gone, the better. The question is: who will come after her? You never know, it could be even worse.

    It is clear that America is abandoning Israel. Not only abandoning it, but actively working towards its demise.

    Is Condi acting in a vacuum? Doesn't she get guidelines from Bush? WHO chose James Jones the Jesuit to oversee the implementation of the Road Map? If she were being replaced, would US policy change? I don't really think so.

    Am I concerned? Yes and No. Yes because Israel has always depended on the US for support, and that support is on the way out.

    No because ultimately Hashem is in charge, and He decides what happens to Am Yisrael. Bush, Condi, they all come and go.But Am Yisrael Chai!!!
